& Pope Pius XIII A BookThe book is entitled �Saul, why do you persecute Me?�by Michael San Pietro, Monastery of the Apostles, St. Jovite, Quebec, Canada. Editions MagnificatOver the years We have had the above book with many of Our other books of special interest. We have no remembrance of ever reading it. Finally, by what seemed to be a special movement of God, We picked it up for casual reading. It contains information that will make those who know and accept Us as the Pope bubble over with peace and great joy. Those who know Us and refuse to accept Us as the Pope will become as infuriated as Satan himself. There is no date as to just when the book was written, but the contents make it clear that it was written during the reign of bogus Pope Paul VI. It is a scholarly book with copious footnotes of present day facts and most valuable ancient writings. We have no knowledge of the author, whether he is layman or priest. One thing is clear, he is a scholar. He proves beyond reasonable doubt that Paul VI was not the Pope. For now, We shall not going into that discussion, even though We would like to do so. We are going to quote from the last three pages of this book, for they point to the time after Paul VI dies and leaves behind his non-office as Pope. We quote directly from pages 200 to 202, and We number the footnotes as they are in the book. We shall give you the text right from the book with the author�s own bold printing: Thanks be to God for the above research that places before us, as it seems, God�s revelation for the exact conditions that exist in the Church today. The enemies of Christ feared that He would arise from the dead. That is why they set guards at the tomb of Christ. At the same time the friends of Christ hesitated in this regard. The pious women went to Christ�s grave on Easter morning to anoint His Body. They should have gone there to greet Him, risen from the dead since He foretold His resurrection. When the message of Christ�s resurrection reached the Apostles they ran to the tomb to see if the message was true! Even to the time of His ascension Christ chided the Apostles for their incredulity. Once the Apostles received the Holy Ghost on Pentecost Sunday their diffidence was changed, and they became virtuous and bold in the faith. In the above private revelations, recorded by Michel San Pietro, you read: �As for the real Pope in this troubled period, prophesies say that he will be �elected against the expectations of men. (28)�� In the resurrection of the Mystical Body of Christ, through the election of Pope Pius XIII, the identical mistrust existed that was present at the Corporal Resurrection of Christ two thousand years ago. Even to this day the Jews as a whole refuse to accept Christ as the Redeemer, and of course, for them Christ�s resurrection is something they will not accept, because of their lack of faith. May the days of their blindness be terminated for the greater glory of God and the triumph of holy mother Church. Before going on We shall recall some of the events that took place at Emmaus on the eve of Christ�s resurrection. In the twenty-forth chapter of the Gospel according to St. Luke one finds the account of Christ�s joining the two disciples along the way and at an Inn. Christ chided them as follows: V.25, �Then he said to them: O foolish and slow of heart to believe in all thing which the prophets have spoken.� At the Inn Christ continues His teachings, (Luke, 24, 30 to 32): �And it came to pass, whilst he was at table with them, he took bread and blessed and broke and give to them. And their eyes were opened: and they knew him. And he vanished out of their sight. And they said one to the other: Was not our heart burning within us, whilst he spoke in the way and opened to us the scriptures?� It should be noted that things divine, which are in the supernatural order, cannot be accepted by those who lack the theological virtue of faith. True faith believes in God and everything He reveals, because God cannot deceive nor be deceived. In the practical order, one can come to God�s teachings only through the infallible teaching authority of the Catholic Church. We shall give a simple example of divine faith. Take two straws. Place a fine steel wire in one, and leave the other one without the wire. Slowly bring the two of them up to a magnet. The straw with the steel wire will unite itself with the magnet, but the straw without the steel wire will not recognize the magnet. The problem is not in the magnet. The problem is in the straw. Faithless adults must understand that it is not just learning that brings them to God, they must also have divine faith which God gives to all those of good will. In the private revelations quoted above it says that faith is for the humble. God permits evil things to happen in order to draw a greater good from them, more good than if He had thwarted the evil actions from taking place. God permitted the crucifixion for the Redemption of the human race. We now have Christ the King in the Crucified Redeemer. By faith and God�s assistance we know that mystery. With that same faith we are able to follow His infallible directions on the way to heaven. God bless you.