Ordination to Priesthood
Gordon Cardinal Bateman
13, 1999
Kalispell, Montana, USA - Gordon Cardinal Bateman was today
ordained to the priesthood by Pope Pius XIII, according to the traditional
Catholic Rite of Holy Orders. This awe-inspiring rite can be found
in its entirety at http://www.truecatholic.us/ordpriest.htm.
Since a Cardinal is an appointed position, a layman may be appointed Cardinal,
as was the case with Cardinal Bateman even prior to his ordination.
The photos below record selected parts of the rite of ordination to
the priesthood bestowed onto + Gordon Cardinal Bateman.
The Prostration and the Litany of the Saints
In the touching ceremony of the prostration, the ordinand
prostrates himself on the floor of the sanctuary, as a sign of his unworthiness
and need of divine assistance. The pope kneels at the faldstool; all others
who assist kneel in their places. The pope recites the Litany of the Saints.
The whole Church Triumphant is called upon to intercede with God that He
may give worthy ministers to the Church Militant. |
The most solemn moment of the rite of ordination has
now arrived, the moment in which that wonderful transformation takes place
in the soul of the ordinand, which makes him "Priest forever according
to the order of Melchisedech." The pope imposes both
his hands upon the ordinand without saying any prayer; then the
pope raises his right hand extended over the candidate. All is hushed in
silence - it is as if the heavens opened and the Holy Spirit comes down
in visible form to take possession of His elect: "The Spirit of the Lord
is upon me, because the Lord hath anointed me" (Is. 61, 1). |
The Imposition of Hands
The Bestowal of the Office
The Anointing of the Hands of the Priest
Holy oil was used extensively in the liturgical functions
of the Old Testament. It is fitting, therefore, that the Catholic priest,
the "other Christ," should also be anointed. The anointing symbolizes the
dedication of a person to the service of God, and the bestowal of grace. |
By the preceding rite of the Imposition of Hands the
candidate has been made a priest and possesses all priestly powers. But
the power to celebrate Mass, to change bread and wine into the body and
blood of Christ is such a tremendous, awe-inspiring power that a special
rite is employed to express its bestowal and to bring more fully into realization
what has been received.
The ordained again approaches the pope and kneels before
him. A chalice containing wine and water, and the paten with a host lying
on it, is presented; whereupon the ordained takes the paten between the
index and the middle finger, touching with the index finger the paten and
host and with the middle finger the cup of the chalice. |
Bestowal of the Power
to Offer the Holy Sacrifice
of the Mass
First Blessing
All kneel as the newly-ordained
priest gives his
first blessing. |