Sayings of Truth & Error 



Meekness & Firmness 

Vatican II Website 



Getting to Heaven

Caritas Newsletter

July 3, 1997
by Fr. Lucian Pulvermacher, OFM Cap. 

    May the grace and peace of Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, be with all of you.  May the first tastes of the beatific vision, already here on earth, season you with great happiness - even among all your trials and sufferings.  

Sayings to be Known and Remembered
from the Fathers and Doctors of the Church

  1. The truth has set bounds.  But evil and falsehood multiplies without end; and the more these (evils) are pursued, the more error they produce.  St. Jerome
  2. Not to oppose error, is to approve of it, and not to defend truth is to suppress it, and indeed to neglect to confound evil men, when we can do it, is no less a sin than to encourage them.   Pope Felix III
  3. He who can correct any evil, and neglects to do it, makes himself accessory to the same.  St. Gregory
  4. He that sees another in error, and endeavors not to correct it, testifies himself to be in error.   Pope Leo I
  5. We seek no conquest over our adversaries; but only that truth may overcome falsehood.   St. Jerome
  6. It is better that scandal arise than that truth be concealed.  St. Gregory the Great


Our good fortune (on the way to heaven) or our misfortune (on our way to hell) largely follows our basic knowledge and philosophy of life.  

I had a second cousin, a medic, in the military service on Okinawa who (strangely) compared himself to me without any urging on my part.  He said to me once as I was visiting him and his family on a military base, "You live for saving souls; I live for making money."  Strangely, he seemed to be happy with his lot.  Obviously, I was happy with my lot.  He was worldly, and I was other worldly. 

I shall bring you some more truisms. For those who love God all things work for the good.  All things include not only what we see as good, but also those things we see as evil.  The one who loves God thanks Him for any good that comes to him, and thus he is rewarded for his humility before God.  He also sees purification in himself by means of misfortune even from the suffering of his own sins. 

Let us spend a little time with the word Purification.  I shall be quoting from a very naturally and supernaturally gifted author. He is Father Edward Leen, C.S.Sp. M.A., D.D., and his book is "Why The Cross", London, Sheed & Ward  1938 - Imprimatur. 

We quote from page 92. 

    "Man becomes happy by becoming like to God.  The Cross, willingly accepted and one in union with Christ effect this likeness."
We go to page 93. 
    "In the loving designs of the Savior, the Cross is not meant to be an accidental or a violent intrusion into life.  He deliberately plans existence for us so that it may be the crucifixion or destruction in our souls of what stands between us and God.  On the other hand, prompted by our instinctive repugnance to suffering, we are prone to clamor to the Redeemer to remove from our path the irksome, the disagreeable and the painful.  Man is persuaded that were suffering removed from his life, he would be happy.  God's view is not this.  He knows that without suffering, our souls cannot be purified of the dross that clings to them in consequence of the original prevarication.  Without purification the soul cannot freely enjoy what it is created to enjoy.  It cannot be happy by any other way."


We now turn to our final purification, and we marvel at the absolute purity that is required of every soul that receives the beatific vision in heaven.  We turn to Father Leen's book mentioned above, and we quote from page 97. 
     "Our happiness is attained when the undivine in us, that which in us is unlike God and alien to Him, is purged away from our souls.  This purgation, if not done in this life, is wrought out with extreme agony in the life to come.  Purgatory is a loving invention of God which pursues man, for his own good, even beyond the gates of death. 

    St. Catherine writes: "no tongue can confess, no mind can conceive what is the pain of Purgatory.  The pain experienced there is in its intensity, like the pain of hell itself."

Multitudes, failing to profit, on this earth, by all that Christianity provides for them to effect the divinisation of their souls, quit the world, the task not completed.  Were there no Purgatory, souls that leave this earth unpurified, though not entirely estranged from God, could never enjoy the Beatific Vision.  Nothing defiled can enter heaven, enjoy intimate union with God, and share His Beatific Life.  Faith, laying hold of sufferings and united there with the Cross of Christ, enables man to accomplish, during the time of, what otherwise has to be accomplished at incalculably greater cost, when the time of trial is past.  So bitter is the process of purification in the world to come, as compared with the same process as wrought out on earth, that God, in His love, gives largely of the Cross to His friends in order to save them from the fate of quitting the world unpurified, and consequently, immediately inapt for the Beatific Vision." 

Above I stated that "for those who love God all things work for good."  Let us delve more deeply into this mystery.  "All things that occur on earth are for the benefit of the elect."  God determined to bring a full number of human beings into heaven.  Likely, men (Saints) are to take the vacated seats of the angels who fell from heaven through their disobedience.  

Since God knew from all eternity each and every judgment of His free creatures He was able to set things in proper order to get what He wanted, namely, Saints in heaven. 

Observe how God left the free will of evil men run their course, and still He obtained just what He wanted.  Herod with his evil will determined to kill the Savior.  God did not thwart his will or his action. What God did do, He moved Jesus out of his warpath.  Hence, our Divine Savior was not killed in a short and comparatively easy way, but He was preserved for His very painful crucifixion.  Through that crucifixion He was to show us the great value of our eternal salvation, and He showed us the road to heaven, namely, the way of the cross.  

God knew how Pontius Pilate would act before the pressure of the High Priests, and He had the Savior in Jerusalem for the great drama of His crucifixion.  God left men do their evil deeds to accomplish that what He wanted accomplished, namely, that we would have the Catholic Church as we have it since the death of Christ. 

I feel that it is impossible for me to hold your credibility without bolstering what I say from Sacred Scripture itself.  I copy from a small booklet entitled: Uniformity With God's Will, by St. Alphonsus de Ligouri. You can buy this devotional book from TAN Books and Publishers, Inc. Rockford, IL 61105.  St. Alphonsus (after he wrote this booklet) continued to read it for his own devotion, and when he became blind he had others read it to him - what a gem! On page eleven of this booklet we read:  

    "It is certain and of faith, that whatever happens, happens by the will of God:  'I am the Lord forming the light and creating the darkness, making peace and creating evil.' Isaias 45 :6 ,7 

    "From God come all things, good as well as evil.  We call adversities evil; actually they are good and meritorious, when we receive them as coming from God's hands:  'Shall there be evil in the city which the Lord hath not done?' (from Amos, 3:6) 'Good things and evil, life and death, poverty and riches are from God. Eccl. 11:14 

On page 13 of the above booklet we see how God uses evil men to punish His elect (those to be saved):  
    "Thus the Lord told David He would be the author of those things he would suffer at the hands of Absalom:  'I will raise up evils against thee out of thy own house, and I will take thy wives before thy face and give them to thy neighbor.' 2 Kings 12:11 
Finally, still on page 13 we have the words of Our Lord Himself: 
    "And our Lord himself told St. Peter that His sacred passion came not so much from man as from his Father:  

    'The chalice which my Father hath given me, shall I not drink it." John 18:11

Once more, for those who love God all things work for the good, and all things that happen are for the good of the elect.  God is producing His elect, with their cooperation, and we shall see this mystery unfolded before us on judgment day. 

Whether we like it or not, God uses each one of us as  instruments in His hands (so to say) to make Saints.  How marvelous is God, as we see a facet of His goodness and greatness unfold itself in the mystery Divine Providence! 

Meekness and Firmness

Again by Divine Providence a publication came to me entitled, SI SI NO NO, the ANGELUS Press, 2918 Tracy Ave., Kansas City, MO 64109.  May 1997.  SI  means yes, and NO means no.  

In referencing this article, we in no way endorse John XXIII.  On the contrary, we do not recognize him as a true Catholic nor a pope.  In any case, the article goes about proving that John XXIII does not deserve to be canonized a Saint.  Why? Because he lacked natural and supernatural firmness, and that alone shows that he did not cooperate with God in making him a Saint. 

On page 20, column two, John XXIII is quotes as saying: "Me, I was born to bless and not to condemn." 

"Jesus, St. Paul, St. John the Evangelist and numerous great and holy Popes did not limit themselves to blessing - an easy and sympathetic task - but also exercised the solemn duty of condemning and anathematizing. 

"The wip was not made for the hand of Roncalli" says Molinari, "however, Jesus himself used the wip." 

Now let us study an important principle of action that must be found in the life and actions of every Saint. 

Jesus asks us to learn of Him because He is meek and humble of heart.  There is no doubt about that as we study His words and works.  No repentant sinner was ever turned away by Our Lord.  In fact, He constantly invited sinners to repent and return to Him.  He is for sure, meek and humble of heart. 

The other end of the stick, which is obvious, but not often explained is that Our Lord was firm when dealing with unconverted sinners.  He disdained insincerity and hypocrisy.  He called Herod a fox.  He called the scribes and Pharisees a brood of vipers.  He took the wip to those who defiled the Temple. 

It should go without explaining, that name-calling has a very definite purpose.  It is to make the unwary public aware of evil men.  The fox sneaks into the chicken coop.  The snake bites to poison and kill.  Beware of the fox and the snake - that is the name of the game. 

Once again, John XXIII had only one end of the stick to perfection.  He was meek and humble (or just mush) of heart, but he lacked the divine characteristic of firmness, and for that reason he stands condemned even by a theologian in his own Novus Ordo church.  This is a most interesting study and a sound lesson to all of us. 

Looking ahead, what a sky-full of flak will hit our new and true Pope once he does his duty by condemning and anathematizing the evils of this day!  There is a humorous saying which goes as follows: if you cannot stand the heat keep out of the kitchen. 

When John XXIII died he was universally called "Good Pope John."  You older readers should assure the younger readers that this is so.  The Jews just loved him, for he handed the Church over to them.  It was also said that John XXIII was the best Pope that the Protestants ever had.  You older readers, stand with me in telling this history to the younger generation.    Now the world must crawl out of that dung heap, or just let the world ever get more and more rotten. 

Novus Ordo Website and the "Popes" of Vatican II 

Recently, while browsing the Vatican II website at with one of our Catholics, we came upon something very amazing.   We were amazed at the many languages in which the site is presented.  We browsed the English language site, since that is our native language.   Even more amazing and something that really caught our attention on the Vatican II website was found under the title "Popes."  What do you think we found?  The site listed only four Popes, and they were John XXIII, Paul VI, John Paul I, and John Paul II and that is all - "basta finita", "Das ist alles." No more! 

The conclusion is clear.  The Council Vatican II Church (the Novus Ordo) does not consider itself one with the Popes from St. Peter until the death of Pope Pius XII.  They started an entirely new religion with John XXIII. 

Just consider what would happen if they admitted into their "list of Popes" all the Popes that preceded John XXIII.  Those true Popes would condemn the new Church to the pit of hell, as I have done (quoting those Popes) over the years.  The Vatican II freedom of religion platform is even called insanity by former Popes.  See my document entitled Vatican II Council Teaches Heresy. 

Now we come with the "rest of the story."  Recently I saw a very large dumpster beside an old convent of Sisters.  The mammoth dumpster was about full, and books were even on the ground.  I asked, "What is going on?"  The worker told me that the materials, books, in the dumpster were recyclable materials.  Very likely the materials in those books were from Popes prior to the "reign" of John XXIII. 

The rotten menu of error from John XXIII and his successors has the right of way in the world today. The wholesome bead of life from the days of St. Peter until the death of Pope Pius XII is now relegated to the dumpster.  That is the rest of the story.  I am still amazed that the Novus Ordo men in the site have the honesty to tell us this by deleting all the Popes previous to John XXIII from their "list of Popes."  Scrap the true Popes, and scrap the true books, and then we can ruin a blind and stupid world.  I say, "Begone Satan." 

Modesty in Dress 

As I begin this tract I realize that I am speaking about something that will bring me some flak.  In the rite for consecrating the Bishop, the Church urges on the new Bishop that he keep good discipline or good order.  There will always be evil and stupid people who will challenge good order, and the rulers of society must defend the society from internal and external ruin. 

Clothing has 3 purposes:  

  1. to cover our nakedness 
  2. to protect us from the element of cold, heat, rain and so forth 
  3. to ornament the body 
It seems we could add a 4th, and that is the garments should distinguish the sexes.   Uni-sex garments are out! 

I am not going to deal with #2, although something could be said to the kids who follow the crowd in not wearing a head cover when we have frigid weather. 

According to # 3, clothing should ornament the body.  That gives us human dignity. Working clothing must be fitted for the job.  A farmer and railroad man need tough fabric.  Lace is out of place. 

Years ago no one ever said "cool" when he had a pair of worn-out blue jeans.  He would never wear such a fabric even when new to a celebration or when traveling.  With rock music and horrid art our society has lost their sense of class.  Ugliness has become beauty, and that is communism. 

Unfortunately, even in our Catholic group this error is seen as truth by more than just a few.  When going to Mass or sacraments (baptism outside of Mass) denim may not be used in trousers, jackets, skirts and dresses including over coats.  Of late a semi-denim cloth has come on the market.  That is to be avoided also.  We are Catholics, and we should confine such materials where they are fitting, namely, in the work place. 

We now turn to the topic of modesty in dress, covering our nakedness.  Lest you feel all bad about this instruction I shall give you a chance to smile or laugh.  It is related that Josepi Roncalli (later John XXIII) had dinner at a formal reception, and he was seated beside a society lady who was boldly dressed, beyond the norms of modesty. 

People wondered how this diplomatic Church official would handle the situation.  When the meal was over he stepped away from the table with an apple in his hand.  He went up to the lady (should we call her that?) and offered it to her.  She replied that she did not want to eat an apple at that time, right after the wonderful banquet.  Monsignor Roncalli kept on insisting that she eat the apple.  Finally the lady asked him just why he wanted her to eat that apple.  He then gave her the punch line, "Because when Eve ate the apple she recognized that she was naked!" 

Over and over the Popes of the past have insisted that Bishops instruct the faithful on modesty in dress.  Today, I cannot get behind a Bishop, so I have to communicate this message on my own. 

First of all, we deal with the length of the skirts (or shorts if they are used).  Skirts must be long enough so that they cover the knees while seated.  Skirts that are too tight, although long enough, are also immodest. 

Dresses should cover the body around the neck so that it does not go more than two inches from the neck (front, back and sides).  The sleeves are to cover the arms to the elbows.  Some exceptions are made for sleeves going half way between the elbow and shoulder when proper cuts are unavailable. 

The materials should be of a nature that one cannot see through them, unless there is a proper garment below the transparent material.  The color of the material should not be flesh colored.  We see women with flesh colored blouses that are perfectly modest, and yet those women seem to be naked from the waste on up when seen from a distance. 

Dresses are to hide the body.  Some dresses gravely expose the bosom, and that is out. 

Those who offend in this matter commit venial sin or mortal sin in proportion as they are exposed.  They have two sins, all in one crack.  They have a sin of impurity, and they have the sin of scandal.  By scandal they lead others into sin, and scandal comes under the fifth commandment: "Thou shalt not kill (here it means the soul)." 

We already dealt with tight fitting skirts and blouses.  We cannot pass up pants for men and women.  The trousers must sufficiently lose so that the private parts of the body are not exposed. 

We come to the morality of pants for women.  Different countries have different customs.  The Vietnamese female attire is similar to a lose fitting pajama.  We have no bishop or Pope to legislate on these matters, so we just follow the customs of the general public.  As for pants used at Mass and the sacraments, that is out, and permitted only in time of war or such calamity when no dress is available at all. 

Hospitals, Nursing Homes, Etc. 

The Jewish, Protestant, and pagan world generally do not have institutions for caring for the sick, orphans, and elderly.  There are, however, exceptions to this rule. 

I saw with my own eyes that when the Novus Ordo took over, Catholic Sisters and Brothers gave away their institutions of charity.  Even the Capuchins in Milwaukee went so nuts that they gave away a fine small hospital for one dollar. 

Once the civilians took over, the hospitals lost their note of love and charity.  Prices went up.  Services went down.  That trend has continued at an ever-accelerating rate.  Today if you do not have an insurance policy you could be driven to bankruptcy in one short illness. 

Just having a baby in some areas cost from six to eight thousand dollars, that is, for an ordinary birth.  When special care and surgery are involved the sky is the limit.  This situation causes us to rethink our living. 

First of all, except for surgery and the like treatments we should learn how to treat all sickness with simple home treatments. As a starter I would like to have all our young married couples join in a learning effort to know how to have babies without a doctor - before, during and after birth.  We have a couple in Texas who are in such a mode, and they have babies without a doctor.  We have to keep our options open if suddenly a doctor becomes needed for surgery, for example. 

I remember this coming up in the seminary.  But the women will say we cannot chance going into a danger of death.  Bunk!  There are many jobs that put one in the danger of death.  Think of a soldier or a cop.  Their life is on the line day after day.  That is life.  Why should mothers be spared that difficulty and danger?  Once the world is full of loving doctors and Sisters' operated hospitals we can again go back to the possibly more safe methods. 

Every family should school itself in home health care.  Every family should know what is wrong with the customs of our society that are deadly, namely, soft drinks that are killing and fast foods that really starve us to death if we are foolish enough to consume them. 

Some of you may question just why I am involved in this health program.  It is because nobody else is doing so.  I am a priest to help Catholics save their immortal souls, not to care for their sickness except in case of necessity.  Remove that necessity, and I will be happy.  I am not out of order, for Our Lord fed the hungry and cured the sick.  Do not read this and just say, Oh hum! 

Getting to Heaven

There is nothing on earth as important as our getting ready for heaven.  God has determined the rules of that process, and only those who observe those rules will make it to heaven. 

Nobody at all will go to heaven who dies outside God�s Church, the Catholic Church handed down to us through the true Popes of the Catholic Church. 

We live in a strange time of history in that there was a strange transformation that took place after the death of Pope Pius XII (October 9, 1958).  At that time an anti-Catholic Church started, leaving behind nearly everything that went before. 

In this newsletter, I have pointed this fact out, and I feel bound in charity to tell you what I learned from the church of John Paul II itself.  Please refer to the above article on the Novus Ordo website.  I urge you to give this matter your most serious consideration. 

Here is the deal.  The Catholic Church founded after the death of Pope Pius XII has jettisoned all the Popes prior to their first hero, John XXIII.  They recognize only 4 popes who really are anti-popes, agents of Satan. 

It may interest you to know that I recognize all the Popes of history including Pope Pius XII.  I do not recognize the 4 �popes� who follow Pius XII as being successor of the former long line of Popes.  Now in their WorldWide Website, John Paul II�s church refuses to recognize the former Popes, and (of course) they recognize the bogus ones that followed Pope Pius XII.  We are working on the election of a Pope to follow Pope Pius XII, and you can bet your boots that John Paul II�s church will continue with only the �popes� starting with John XXIII.  It is just like the Lutheran Church which does not recognize the Popes before Luther, and they don not recognize the Popes following Luther. 

I holy my hand out to you asking you to join me in the Catholic Church �outside of which there is absolutely no salvation,� � no forgiveness of sins, no grace and no heaven, ever. 

Please feel free to print this newsletter, or any other information contained in this True Catholic website.  It is a breath of fresh air in the ugly arena of obfuscation. 

I hope and pray that with the help of God, you may come to the knowledge of the truth, which alone can make you free to walk the way of eternal salvation.  I am 

Sincerely yours in Jesus and Mary, 
Fr. Lucian Pulvermacher, OFM Cap. 

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