The Trinity
Implicit Beliefs
Purpose of Man and Perfection
Evolution at the Vatican
Book - The Catechism Explained |
Caritas Newsletter
June 1, 1997
by Fr. Lucian Pulvermacher, OFM Cap.
The grace and peace of Our Lord, Jesus Christ, be
with you, now and forever. Amen.
The Trinity
from the Athanasian Creed ("Quicumque")
"Whoever wishes to be saved, needs above all
to hold the Catholic faith. Unless each one preserves this whole and inviolate,
he will without doubt perish in eternity. But the Catholic faith is this,
that we venerate one God in the Trinity, and the Trinity in oneness; neither
confounding the persons, nor dividing the substance; for there is one person
of the Father, another of the Son, (and) another of the Holy Spirit; but
the divine nature of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit is
one, their glory is equal, their majesty is co-eternal. Of such a nature
as the Father is, so is the Son, so (also) is the Holy Spirit; the Father
is uncreated, the Son is uncreated, (and) the Holy Spirit is uncreated.
The Father is immense, the Son is immense, (and) the Holy Spirit is immense.
The Father is eternal, the Son is eternal , (and) the Holy Spirit is eternal:
and nevertheless there are not three eternals, but one eternal. Just as
there are not three uncreated beings, not three infinite beings, but one
uncreated and one infinite. Similarly, the Father is omnipotent, the Son
is omnipotent, (and) the Holy Spirit is omnipotent. And yet there are not
three omnipotents, but one omnipotent..."
The Creed goes on and on with such very exact definitions
until the last lines which are as follows:
"This is the Catholic faith; unless every one
believes this faithfully and firmly, he cannot be saved."
The above text is taken from Denzinger , The Sources
of Catholic Dogma, Imprimatur April 25, 1955. # 39.
Beliefs of Church Teachings
In every true Catholic home the little children learn
to answer two questions about the religion which they received in holy
baptism. Those questions and answers are:
How many Gods are there?
Answer: There is one God.
How many persons are there in God?
Answer: There are three persons in God.
Quickly they learn that the three persons are: Father,
Son and Holy Ghost.
With the above knowledge, which he or she receives
from the Catholic Church, he or she exceeds above measure the pagan world,
the Muslim world, and the Jewish world.
You might say the child still does not know all
the distinctions in the formula of the creed as expressed above. Still
he is set up to believe all those distinctions at the use of reason. Why?
It is because he accepts that teaching in an abbreviated form from the
Church, and that includes all of it implicitly.
Our Catholic faith tells us that we must believe
everything that the Church teaches us in matters of faith and morals. Even
when our knowledge of the faith is quite shallow we have the entire content
of faith at least implicitly.
In my approach to the teachings of faith and morals
I profess that I believe all of them even though I have not heard them
yet. I give you this teaching for two reasons. First of all, we just celebrated
the feast of the Holy Trinity, and secondly, in order to fine tune your
faith. In the early Church the heretics did almost unbelievable harm to
the Catholic community by questioning and even denying certain elements
of the Creed.
It is easy to fall into the error that the Son
is less "God" than the Father. Why? Because the Son has His origin from
the Father, and the Holy Ghost has His origin from the Father and the Son
as from one principle. Parents are principles of their children, and they
are older than their children. They are the superiors of their children.
That is not the case within the Blessed Trinity, as is explained (in prayer)
in the Catholic Creed.
All of us, no matter how well (or how poorly)
we are schooled in Catholic doctrine must believe explicitly what we know
and implicitly what we do not know. Tell God in your profession of faith
that you believe everything that God teaches you through His Church, the
Holy Roman Catholic Church, the Church given to man by Christ through his
Apostles and their true successors.
The Purpose
of Man and Perfection
Why are we in this world (from conception until death)?
We are in this world to prepare ourselves to love God and be loved by God
in a love of friendship. By sanctifying grace we are to become God-like
(divinized). This becoming (while still remaining a creature) divinized
is necessary because God cannot love anybody but Himself with a love of
friendship. Hence, those persons in creation who are without sanctification
cannot be the objects of God's love of friendship.
Those who are in original sin and mortal sin are
outside of God's love of friendship in this world and in the next. They
are damned souls, and if that condition continues through death they are
damned forever in hell. Those in original sin go to the limbo of the infants,
and those in mortal sin go to their hell of everlasting punishment.
Both heaven and hell have degrees of reward and
punishment. Every sin (unforgiven at death) brings its own added punishment.
At the same time, every good work done in the state of sanctifying grace
as a merit gives one a higher degree of union with God and a higher degree
of happiness forever.
Let us move up the ladder of salvation. The first
step is to be without mortal sin. Then move up to very few venial sins.
Unless one has a special assistance from God he cannot avoid all venial
sin. Let us contemplate being without any mortal sin, and being without
venial sin as understood above. We still have a problem of self-love.
Self-love amounts to pride or putting oneself
ahead of others. It also amounts to taking things for oneself when he should
be taking things for the love of God. A few examples will make this clear,
A man wants to become a cop. Why? He may do so
in order to be a boss in the community, or he may do so in order to assist
in keeping law and order, for the good of all the citizens, and it may
even cost him his life. A young man may want to become a priest. Why? Is
it to become a superior over the faithful? Or is it to bring men to heaven,
even to the great sacrifice of his life itself in that service.
Selfishness is out. All for the greater honor
and glory of God is in. When I see children reading even innocent novels
I am horrified, and they all know it. Still they do it. They want that
needless and useless pleasure. They could read good books that lead them
into the embrace of God, but selfishness keeps them doing something that
is self-centered. It is idol worship in a small degree, and it hampers
their progress in holiness.
We see our people purchase needful things, and
yet they include that which is not needful. A simple Chevrolet could do
the job well. However, to puff his ego he gets a BMW for sixty thousand
dollars. That what is above his reasonable needs is done for his ego -
leaving out God to that extent.
We must be careful to practice this self-denial
under the direction of the gift of counsel and the virtue of prudence.
There are simple things (not absolutely needed) that contribute to joy
and peace. Our Lord changed water into wine to contribute to the joy of
the wedding feast in Cana. In the service of God, Mary Magdalen anointed
the feet of Jesus with an expensive and fragrant oil. It should be as in
the above two cases, Our Lord did not change the water into wine to puff
His ego. Mary Magdalin did not anoint the feet of Jesus to puff her ego.
All for the greater honor of God and the salvation of souls. Of course,
the salvation of souls is always for the honor and glory of God.
Once again we come back to the purpose of man.
He is not in this world to puff his ego. Man is to love God and be loved
by God. Loving himself even in a small degree stops the progress in holiness,
stops his love for God and God's love for him. Now you know that monks
in the same monastery are not all the same. A simple Brother who never
says Mass, never preaches a sermon, never becomes the superior, and yet
can become a great Saint. You can have a great priest, a great bishop,
and a great Pope: and yet the simple Catholic who abandons his ego more
than the priest, bishop or Pope will be higher in heaven.
It is known that God calls certain persons to
certain offices. If they take those offices without puffing their egos
they can get a high place in heaven, not because of the office but because
of the proper motive with which they received that office. When I went
to become a priest my motives were questioned. If I wanted it to become
a big shot in the Catholic community I would have been dropped as being
unworthy to become a priest. That is the constant test for all vocations
in the Church. In all things, when the ego comes into play we must imitate
Our Divine Savior in His agony. He said to His Father in heaven, "Not my
will be done but Thy will be done." Our Lady, at the Annunciation, finally
said, "Fiat." "Be it done unto me according to Thy word." Whatever we do
must be in the pattern of us loving God, and in turn being loved by God
- in time and in eternity.
The overview is this:
Drop mortal sin.
Drop venial sin.
Drop our ego.
...and we rocket off with the help of God's grace,
unhampered to the heights of heaven. God rewards us not according to the
nature of the deed done but according to the quality and intensity of the
love in which it is done. There you see we are all in the same ball game.
at the Vatican --
Tragic and Humorous Monkey-Business
John Paul II and his followers both clerical and
laymen are sinking ever deeper into the quicksand of error. The media really
went berserk with joy when John Paul II made his infamous statement on
evolution last October 1996. Even Protestant evangelists are taking him
and the entire Novus Ordo for a grand ride of ridicule.
John Paul II is quoted as saying to a group of
Vatican scientists that evolution was "more than just a hypothesis." That
can mean only one thing, it is no longer a hypothesis but a reality. Mind
you, evolutionism is atheism.
When the communists took over in China the first
thing they taught the people was evolutionism. As long as men believe that
God exists and that He made them so they can go to heaven (if they die
in sanctifying grace) they will not accept atheistic communism. Once belief
in evolution takes over, and men become atheistic, communism can take over.
I am indebted to DE FIDE US, 2706 So. 18th St.,
Omaha, NB 68108 for a series of newspaper clippings on the matter of evolution
in the Novus Ordo. In December 1996, Cardinal John O'Connor of New York
announced his retirement. He is 77, and his replacement is Cardinal Mandrill,
presently the auxiliary cardinal of Berlin, Germany.
Cardinal O'Connor made the following almost incredible
Adam and Eve may have been "some other form"
than human and it is possible that the first living creature was a "lower
"It is possible that when the two persons we speak
of as Adam and Eve were created, it was in some other form and God breathed
life into them - that's a scientific question." He continued, "Perhaps
the spirit of God that breathed forth life into the Earth...was a lower
This is obfuscation (confusion) to the Nth
- The Catechism Explained
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regularly it is $37.50, and now it is on sale for just $25.00 until June
30, 1997. I checked the mailing fee, and it is $4.00. Hence, your can make
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Prayer of St. Francis
May the Lord bless thee and keep thee;
May He show His face to thee and have mercy on
May He turn His countenance to thee and give
thee peace;
May the Lord bless +
thee. Amen.