Catholic Clergy Valid tcc Priests for
Possible Election Canidates
Click on name to review
their Biography Page |
Fr. Agathangelos
Fr Patrick
Abad Basilio
Friar Pacifico
Friar Antonio
Friar Jos�
Friar Natanael
Friar Miguel
Friar Pequenito
Friar Joel
Friar Buenaventura
Friar Pedro
| |
The true Catholic Church truths and Dogma Never
To Review any of the Clergy, the names are clickable for
Biography pages, that are so made up by each individual for the
information to be given out to the church, upon a world wide scale,
so that anyone using the tcc website can so possibly review these
Biographys and even using a translator for the Biography to be made
of into the language needed of by each and every different
individual. Also one may contact them. These Bio
Pages are for reference to get to know each individual that is
possible canidate, and those that are so validly for
candidacy will be posted to these pages. The IHM Council
is running Via the Mirc Chat program online Live, in the
backround, for people to ask any questions via live real time
online, to any and all of these canidates hopefully in near future.
The top links will be in fact a favored set of pages that will
show each persons status inside the election candidacy
itself. As to whom is to be favored the more
so in Holiness according to true canons of 1917 Council of Trent. These Canons will so be
availible for review and future reference, and are in
fact encouraged to the christian people to review of them
very well, before placing judgement on the voting toward a true
canidate. To become a part of this true Church visibly,
one is asked to make a part of information availible of
oneself to the, via online, from one of the
forms from the home page links via the true catholic website
homepage. Either IHM form or Curriculum.
This list below blue line is of Clergy non Clergy Members is
layed out in double fashion, and is according to canon law, and on
the upper portion on the left side above is reserved
for priests, bishops, and deacons, with line in between, deacon
heriachy. The * below is Upper clergy heriachy itself and
in the via below left box included of also, and is reserve for
laybrothers and above heriachy to all members of the true
catholic church inside the clergy heriachy itself.
Laypersons also are included of below in the heriachy, non
clergy in the Lower rank. In the truth of a real papal
election, the conclave will and does consists of anyone that is
able to become true Pope of the true Catholic Church, not just
limited to a rank of upper clergy by todays
circumstances. So all the canon laws that are so written
of in the Trent Canons are enforced of by this true
Catholic Church today, and if one does not see their name on the
list of clergy, and are in fact believing that there is mistake
somehow, one must act and ask to be reviewed of for this event
for them to be posted of, for correction, or they may not be able to
be a part of the names on the list itself. All clergy
members must stay in contact with this church, by order of the
tcc every 3 months in the least, via an email in
least amount, to be able to be considered of to be a part of this
very important event itself. IHM council is in fact in
the discussion of all of this time that we are living in now, and in
the explains of excommunicated and non excommunication circumstances
to people for this very big real true event. Reasons of
heresy apostasy shall be explained of in the wake of the so called
religious wars, by those that want to throw their evil, but in
the event of to the truth to be told, including of ignorance, there
is only one true religion in all the world yes. The Fact was
made, by their being only the One true Holy Scripture. These
canon laws will be obeyed of instead of disobeyed of by
the true Vatican at and inside of the true catholic
church. Please be patient for the conclave page to
unfold of and the actual true voting event itself. It
only takes place upon convened truths of council itself.
IHM.... Enforced by the true Canon Law. Hence once again, the
Novus Ordo of Rome is considered Pagan, and is in no way with any
jurisdiction of any justice whatsoever, to the name Vatican itself,
or the true Vatican Canon Laws, in which its true definition meaning
is only, extermination of lies. They are barred from
this true catholic church heriachy and the conclave event
itself all together, in true proper excomunication.
If anyone feels that they do not wish their email address posted of
below on these pages, you must notify staff @ and ask kindly please to be without an
email link for your name to be email private posted. And if
wanting your email link to be posted of, to your name
below, please must do the same also in a reverse question